‘Me and my disability’

‘Me and my disability’

We were delighted to welcome Eleanor Redding back to Cardinal Heenan. Eleanor, a former student, spoke to Year 10 on the topic ‘Me and My Disability.’ Eleanor has recently excelled in her A levels, achieving 3A’s and is currently preparing to study Counselling Psychology at Worcester University. Eleanor spoke eloquently about how she wants to challenge attitudes towards people with disabilities. Her open approach throughout the presentation and Q&A’s helped our students to understand that it is important to ask questions and to understand other people’s situations in order for us to progress and become a truly inclusive society.

Eleanor discussed the importance of equity and highlighted the significance of events such as the Winter Olympics to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity and resources to reach an equal outcome. Eleanor spoke of the breadth of the term disabilities, that they are all different and that they are not a barrier to excelling. Her final message ‘treat others as you wish to be treated’ is a sentiment we could not agree with more. A huge thank you to Eleanor and her assistant Catherine for coming into Cardinal Heenan.

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