

Good attendance and punctuality to both school and lessons leads to higher achievement. In the world of work good attendance and being punctual is something that is required, so we embed good habits for our students future lives.

Informing Cardinal Heenan that you child will not be in school

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school please call the Student Absence line: 0113 887 3241 before 9am.

If your child is unwell during school

If your child is unwell and unable to manage to stay in school they must report themselves to the pastoral staff. Students should only ask to leave a lesson if the illness becomes unmanageable.

What do I do if my child needs medicine during school?

If your child needs to take any form of medication in school, the parent/carer must send a letter into school stating when the student needs to take it.

There is a form in reception that must be completed by the students parent/carer.

All medicines must be clearly labelled and will be left with the pastoral team.

Signing out

If a student must leave during the day for any reason, parents/carers must write a note in the homework planner in advance. Written permission must be obtained from your Head of Year.

Students must sign out at the school reception and will receive an exit slip if a parent/carer is not present. If you return later on the same day, you must sign in again.

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