Parental Voluntary Contribution Scheme

Parental Voluntary Contribution Scheme

Cardinal Heenan is a happy and successful school committed to helping all its students achieve their best, in academic studies, in sports, in music and in other extra-curricular activities within a caring Catholic environment. 

Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School are fortunate in having a well maintained building in which to work and study. However, we have plans to develop the school to make it even better and to give additional opportunities to all our students. We need your help to make these plans happen. 

Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School is a Voluntary Aided School, this means that the Governors must raise 10% of all the money needed for capital development work. This means that, for every £90 in government grants received for capital work, £10 must be raised so we can invest £100 in your child’s school. Contribution are raised through the Cardinal Heenan Capital Fund. This enables us to access the Government grants which will pay for capital developments.

To keep administrative costs to a minimum we ask parents/carers to contribute to the Cardinal Heenan Capital Fund on a monthly basis. The amount contributed is for you to decide but we ask you to consider one of the following options: £5 or £10 per child (up to a maximum of two children per family).

Please show your commitment to our school by completing the Standing Order and a Gift Aid Form. Gift Aid will help the School to maximise your contributions at no extra cost to you. Both of these forms should be returned to school.


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